The buggy that started it all in 1984 is always in style and JConcepts appreciates a stroll down memory lane and revisits the golden years of RC Racing. As the name suggests, the new body shares some styling cues from the original days of the RC10 and one of the most popular kit bodies of all-time. This is a CAD design body shell but definitely has its roots set in the 1980’s with rear biased cab, large rear transmission over-hanging section and large rear windows. Never has an RC10 body fit around the tub chassis with careful considerations to the angles, height, and transitions.
Certainly, one of the most retro bodies in the JConcepts fleet, the Protector has very simple side-pods and efficiently covers the aluminum tub chassis. Multiple side windows, including the vintage back window, stand out as class leading details. The front nose piece of the body is feathered on the sides and chamfered to fit between the shock tower and slides just inside and on top of the nose brace tubes. A small, flared section near the front provides clearance around the button head screws on the sides of the tub chassis and zip right back onto alignment with the front of the chassis.
Traditionally, the rear overhang of the body is what makes a vintage buggy stand out vs later model vehicles. The rise over the rear shock tower has shock cap protection and an outlining detail around the shocks. The rear cover continues with edged detail to add rigidity and profile around the gear cover plug. The roofline is center channeled with a slight lip upfront which provides plenty of windshield visibility and clearance. The side windows are sized for coverage and to add low-profile looks.
The Protector pays homage to a selection of high-performance bodies from the late 80’s and early 90’s with a clean, cut to the chase desert buggy design and appeal. Included in each package is a 5.5” wing that is designed to sit flat on the geometry of the body and sits down and hugs the back of the body. A simple, yet detailed wing design provides plenty of “sling” clearance for dirt and debris from the rear tires. A full selection of gurney options on the rear of the wing gives racers a selection of heights to trim to, depending on the level of traction. The wing side-dams are finished off with a little inspiration from today with the leading edge angled and already in attack mode.
- JConcepts design and function
- Classic 1980’s, 1990’s design inspiration
- Multiple, large window detail
- Rear biased cab, over rear tower design
- Snug-fit chassis to body design
- Includes 5.5” rear wing
- Includes decal sheet and window mask